About Alison
Alison began her career in mental health over 30 years ago. She founded Lager Counseling Services on the principle that too many people live their lives in an automated state and never deal with the systemic issues that keep them repeating the same lives they have become accustomed to hating.
"It is time to stop hacking at the leaves to get to the root."
Being tired of the traditional use of psychotherapy, Alison has differentiated her service from the rest. After being an influencer and sharing her knowledge on social media, Alison discovered the hidden needs of so many who didn't have access to the kind of help they needed. This sparked her desire to create"Alison Answers". A platform that includes podcasts, digital programs, and online therapy designed to AWAKEN US ALL to our excellence with one goal: #MISSIONAWAKE

"Some people never discover what they are meant to do in life. Alison does not have that problem. She has helped me in more ways than I can express in a few short sentences, but to say that it has been life-changing is an understatement. Her compassion, energy and intelligence has brought me complete clarity for issues in my life. She is a true inspiration."
The Art of Freedom: Break the Beliefs that Keep You Bound
A digital program that offers a unique mix of both knowledge on personal development, therapeutic approaches, and immersive, hands-on techniques to help drive home the points needed to create great change!
What happens Next: Navigating life with adult children
This is program was designed for the mother who is transitioning her mothering role and her personal identity as her children become adults. With a focus on the overall experience as a woman throughout your life cycle will be addressed. The primary goal will be that you finish this program with a deep love for yourself as a woman, a true understanding of your purpose, and a complete acceptance as a mom of adult children. You will learn the skills in navigating parenting adults. How to understand your role. Its importance and the necessary boundaries for everyone.
My New Name is Mom: How to honor all the parts of me throughout the mothering experience
A program that was specifically designed to help mothers honor all parts of themselves in their new role as "mom" This program can be utilized by any mother with younger children.

A dynamic women's movement designed to change the mindset of women forever!
Our membership is a community of women recreating their lives and ultimately their destiny. Our membership is like no other. It combines personal development and therapeutic intervention through a 365-day life experience
As a member, you'll get great benefits:
Access exclusive content: I have designed this exclusive Therapeutic experience to inspire, instruct, and engage women to have the life they were MEANT to live.
Be a part of a movement designed to change the female experience: Your fellow members are as motivated as you are to master what we're exploring in the membership. You'll be able to interact and support one another during each months challenge. You also have the freedom to do this as a sole endeavor.
Get results: As you dive into the course content and meet the community here in The Exclusive Women's Therapeutic Membership, you're on a path of mastery through groundbreaking, no nonsense rewiring of the female brain!
Easy access at your hands: Mindset transformation done through a simple effortless process. 12 powerful topics kicked off with a direct zoom call with Alison, an expert in the field of psychology and personal development